Art Fair Tokyo 19


Booth No.N061
Moe Nakamura

中村 萌 / Moe Nakamura

1988年 東京生まれ
2010 女子美術大学美術学部絵画科卒業
2012 女子美術大学大学院美術研究科絵画専攻修士課程修了

1988 Born in Tokyo , Japan
2010 Joshibi University of Art and Design, Department of Painting, Japan
2012 Joshibi University of Art and Design,M.A, Department of Painting, Japan

中村萌は家庭環境がアートに溢れていたことから、幼い頃からアーティストを目指していた。13歳から美術の専門学校に入学。ニキ・ド・サンファル美術館を訪れて感銘を受け、彫刻家を目指した。現在は妖精や妖怪をモチーフにした彫刻を制作している。これらの生き物は、彼女が高校生の時に一から作り上げたもので、現在も作り続けている。 今、彼女の作品は多くの人に愛されている。その理由は、木から削り出した荒々しいタッチが力強い。そのダイナミックさと可愛らしいフォルム。可愛さだけでなく、暗さや怖さもある。

She makes oil paintings and wood carving sculptures.
She held her first solo exhibition at the Gallery Tsubaki GT2 soon after graduated at niversity. It was very impressive and good sales. After that ,she first exhibited at Young Art Taipei 2013 from Gallery Tsubaki booth. Again her work was soon sold out, attracting customers' attention. She has since gained the popularity in Taiwan. Her work caught the eye of a Taiwanese toy company. And Moe and Gallery Tsubaki make multiple sculptures every year with that company. She aspired to becoming artist since childhood because her home environment was overflowing art. She entered the school specializing in art since her age 13. When she visited in the Niki de saint phalle museum,she was impressed so much and aimed for sculptor. Now she is making sculptures motif that fairy or yokai(monster) type of creatures. These creatures was made when she was high school student. She has created from scratch and continues still making it. Now, so many people love her works. This reason is powerfully shaving from tree with rough touch. It’s dynamic so much and cute form. It is not only cute but also darkness and fear appears in that expression.
Fear and darkness, not just cuteness maybe the reason her works are so popular.

Online archive


  • 1. windows

    中村 萌 / Moe Nakamura
    11 . Before the Dawn-Child-
    ブロンズ、油彩 / Bronze,oil painting
    170x60x63 cm

  • 2. endless dialogue

    中村 萌 / Moe Nakamura
    12 . Summit’s Prayer
    楠、油彩、金箔 / Wood,oil painting,gold leaf
    52.5x24.5x24 cm

  • 3. mum identity (1)

    中村 萌 / Moe Nakamura
    13 . Untitled
    キャンバスに油彩、楠 / Oil on canvas,wood
    31x29.5x2.7 cm

  • 4. a piece

    中村 萌 / Moe Nakamura
    14 . Untitled
    楠に油彩 / Oil on wood
    39.8x15.7x1 cm

  • 5. Weed-san a

    中村 萌 / Moe Nakamura
    15 . Drawing-25-06
    紙に油彩 / oil on paper
    A3 42x29.7 cm

  • 6. Weed-san b

    中村 萌 / Moe Nakamura
    16 . Drawing-25-07
    紙に油彩 / oil on paper
    A3 42x29.7 cm

  • 7. Community

    中村 萌 / Moe Nakamura
    17 . Drawing-25-08
    紙に油彩 / oil on paper
    A3 42x29.7 cm

  • 8. blood

    中村 萌 / Moe Nakamura
    18 . Drawing-25-13
    紙にミクストメディア / mixed media on paper
    A4 33x24 cm